Why You Should Hire an Attorney

It’s a good idea to have an attorney as you never know when life circumstances will create a need for legal representation. It’s not only in the case of accidents, but there are many circumstances that require the help of an attorney. Everything from prenuptial agreements to filing for divorce; from developing iron-clad contracts and trademarks, seeking professional assistance from an attorney at the beginning of proceedings can help ally serious issues later on. 

Different Types of Attorneys

There are nearly as many legal specialties as there are lawyers. Because the legal field is so broad and laws are constantly changing, most that go into the legal profession choose a specific field so they can become experts in a particular area of practice. Some types of attorneys include: 

• Family lawyer 
• Divorce attorney 
• Bankruptcy lawyer 
• Corporate lawyer 
• Civil Rights lawyer 
• Immigration lawyer 
• Criminal lawyer 
• DUI/DWI attorney 
• Employment and Employee Rights lawyer 
• Estate law attorney 
• Divorce and family lawyer 
• Malpractice/Personal injury lawyer 
• Digital/Internet lawyer 
• Real Estate attorney 
• Entertainment lawyer 

Just as there are different areas of practice, there are also a wide range of pay that is dependent on how long the attorney has been practicing, their area of practice and the law firm they work for. The locale, business and political environment also impacts the income level. For example, new lawyers in a rural environment can expect to start at about $45,000 while the beginning salary for a lawyer in a major city can start at around $70,000—for virtually the same level of work and responsibility. 

Tips for Choosing an Attorney

There are many, many attorneys practicing law. It may seem like a difficult feat to find the right lawyer so here are some tips that may help you choose the right representation. 
• First of all, determine the type of lawyer that best meets your needs 
• Call or email the Bar Association in your area for suggestions 
• Visit online websites to read the feedback from others. Some helpful sites include LawHelp.com, LegalZoom and Rocketlawyer 
• As family and friends for referrals 
• Review the websites for any attorney that you may be considering 
• Set up a free consultation with more than one lawyer to see who you feel the most comfortable with and has the best skill set 
• Create a list of questions prior to your meeting 
• Bring any appropriate documents that the attorney may need to see 
• Find out how the lawyer changes and get an initial idea of how much your case will cost 
• After you’ve found the perfect attorney for your case, sign an agreement or retainer so the work can begin 

Make Sure You Get a Lawyer When You Need One

Many people feel they don’t need to have a lawyer for several ordinary tasks. One is drafting a will. There are many websites where you can download forms to create a will. But a lawyer is critical, they can provide added insight that isn’t available from a non-human Website.