Perinatal Services & Support

These perinatal services provide expecting mothers with comprehensive care and support throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. From prenatal education to lactation support, these services are committed to ensuring a healthy and positive pregnancy experience. 

Perinatal services are a crucial part of healthcare, providing support to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. These services aim to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her baby, helping to identify and address potential complications and providing essential care and support. 


What are perinatal services? 

Perinatal services refer to the comprehensive care provided to women and their babies during the period surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. This includes prenatal care, labor and delivery support, and postnatal care. The main goal of these services is to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby, by monitoring their physical, emotional, and mental health, providing education and guidance, and addressing any complications or concerns that may arise. 

These services are provided by a team of healthcare professionals, including obstetricians, midwives, nurses, and other specialists, who work together to provide a comprehensive and coordinated approach to care. Perinatal services may be offered in a variety of settings, including hospitals, birthing centers, and through community-based programs. 

When can a woman receive perinatal support? 

Perinatal support can be accessed at any time during the perinatal period, which spans from the time of conception until the baby is around one year old. Early and regular prenatal care is essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy and detect potential complications. It is generally recommended that women begin prenatal care as soon as they know they are pregnant, or ideally, even before conception, to optimize their health and prepare for a healthy pregnancy. 

During pregnancy, women should attend regular prenatal appointments to monitor their health and that of their baby, as well as to receive guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing common pregnancy-related concerns, and preparing for childbirth. After giving birth, postnatal care is vital to support the physical and emotional recovery of the mother, as well as to monitor the development and well-being of the baby. 

What kind of support can you get during and after pregnancy? 

Perinatal services offer a wide range of support during and after pregnancy, catering to the diverse needs of women and their babies. Some of the key aspects of perinatal support include: 

  • Prenatal care: Regular prenatal check-ups are essential for monitoring the health of the mother and baby, and identifying any potential complications or concerns. These appointments may include physical examinations, blood tests, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tests, as well as discussions on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing pregnancy-related symptoms, and preparing for childbirth. 

  • Childbirth education and preparation: Perinatal services often include childbirth education classes, which help expectant parents to understand the process of labor and delivery, learn coping strategies for pain management, and explore options for birth preferences and interventions. These classes can also provide information on breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum recovery. 

  • Labor and delivery support: During labor and childbirth, perinatal professionals provide medical care and support to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and baby. This may involve monitoring the progress of labor, administering pain relief, assisting with the delivery of the baby, and providing immediate postpartum care. 

  • Postnatal care: After giving birth, women require ongoing care and support to recover physically and emotionally, and to adjust to their new role as a mother. Postnatal care may include follow-up medical appointments, assistance with breastfeeding and newborn care, screening for postpartum depression, and referrals to additional support services if needed. 

  • Emotional and mental health support: The perinatal period can be a time of significant emotional and mental health challenges for many women, making it essential for perinatal services to address these aspects of well-being. This may involve providing access to mental health professionals, support groups, or counseling services, as well as educating women and their families about the signs and symptoms of perinatal mood disorders. 

    Where can one get perinatal services and what is the average cost? 

    Perinatal services can be accessed through various healthcare providers and settings, including hospitals, birthing centers, and community-based programs. Many women receive perinatal care through their obstetrician or midwife, who will coordinate their care and provide referrals to other specialists as needed. 

    The cost of perinatal services can vary widely, depending on factors such as the type of provider, the extent of care required, and the geographical location. In the United States, for example, the average cost of prenatal care alone can range from $2,000 to $3,000, while the cost of childbirth and postpartum care can be significantly higher. However, it is important to note that many insurance plans cover the cost of perinatal services as part of their maternity care benefits, and there may also be financial assistance programs available for eligible women. 

    Perinatal services play a critical role in ensuring the health and well-being of women and their babies throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. By providing comprehensive and coordinated care, these services help to identify and address potential complications, support the emotional and mental health of women, and promote a positive and healthy start to life for both mother and baby. With the appropriate support and resources, women can navigate the perinatal period with confidence, and embark on their journey into motherhood with the best possible foundation for success.