Find Remote Data Entry Jobs Available

Learn more about the benefits of working in remote data entry. Find out how much you get paid for data entry and common sites to find data entry jobs.

Data entry is one of the fastest growing industries, especially after 2020. Data entry is not a new career path, first becoming popular once businesses started using computers. Today, it is also known as keylogging. Data entry is a popular job because it can be performed remotely. After businesses were forced to shut down because of Covid-19, most data entry is performed remotely. Another reason it is popular among remote workers is it does not require a top-of-the-line computer or any expensive program. Unlike the similarly named data mining, you do not need any prior experience or advanced computer knowledge, making it an excellent entry level position.

Data entry is a type of clerical work. It involves entering data, usually from a handwritten or audio source, into a computer. Most data is entered into an office document or excel spreadsheet, but this varies based on the company. In other cases, you enter the website into a company website. Some jobs require you to make changes or update the data as well.

Requirements for Data Entry

There are few requirements to get started in data entry. There are no set education requirements for data entry. Some community colleges or vocational schools offer data entry certification courses, but these are rarely required by employers. It is a good way to show you are experienced, if you have not previously worked in data entry.

The most important skill of data entry is typing. Many employers pay on an hourly rate, so the faster you are able to type, the more you make. Even if you are charged a flat fee, being a skilled typist greatly speeds up how long each project takes, allowing you to take more assignments each day. If you are transcribing audio, being able to multitask is important. You must be able to pay attention to the audio while you are typing. Basic proficiency with common office programs is expected as well.

Data Entry Salary

How much you are paid greatly varies based on the job. Most data entry workers are freelancers or independent contractors. Some companies charge an hourly rate. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the hourly rate for data entry ranges from $10 to $22 an hour. How much time you have to complete the project may also influence the price. For example, if the company wants the data entry completed on the same day, you can expect higher wages.

Other companies charge a flat rate. If you are transcribing audio, you may be charged per minute of audio instead. Transcription jobs typically pay the highest rates because it takes more effort to transcribe audio as opposed to writing.

Many freelancers use data entry as a side job. With more companies offering remote data entry projects, it is easier to make a career out of data entry, but it requires building a strong network. Fortunately, there are a number of apps or other online services you can use to find data entry jobs.

Data Entry Benefits

If you enjoy working remotely and setting your own schedule, data entry is an excellent career choice. With data entry jobs, you typically have a deadline you must meet. When and how often you work is entirely up to you. This is especially helpful if you are attending classes or taking care of family members during the day. Because work is assigned on a per project basis, you can selectively work. If you know you have a slow week coming up, you can pick up assignments.

Data entry is a good way to fill out your resume. Most employers appreciate data entry jobs, since it shows you are proficient with common office programs. It is not a particularly demanding career, and it also provides potential networking opportunities. There are also many resources available to help you find data entry jobs.

Avoiding Data Entry Scams

The majority of data entry jobs are posted online. Unfortunately, there are some scammers who try to use data entry listings as a way to steal personal information or make money. A common tactic scammers use is posting a job listing, but requiring applicants to pay a small fee for training or testing. Other scammers promise to provide special equipment or kits for the job. Never accept a data entry job that requires you to first pay money.

Some scams target your personal information. Do not believe a job listing if it says it needs your license number or social security number for payroll purposes. You also want to avoid any listing that requires you to provide a bank number to set up direct deposit. While these are all sometimes needed for jobs, there are legitimate forms you complete to provide this information. Never disclose any personal information through an email.

Finding Data Entry Jobs

Most data entry jobs are located online. There are many websites where you can search through job listings. Some websites have a specific focus. AccuTran Global primarily lists transcribing jobs. The site uses a pay per word method, sometimes providing bonuses for longer or more challenging jobs. Capital Typing is meant for generalized data entry jobs, focusing entirely on remote listings. The website also has a section for translation-based jobs and secretarial services.

If you are more committed to data entry and do not mind working on longer assignments, look for jobs through Axion Data Entry Services. In order to get jobs through Axion, you must have at least two to three years of data entry experience.

You can also find data entry positions on general job listing sites. Websites like Indeed, Upwork and LinkedIn all include sections for data entry.